v Super Neem Tree Oil 1 Litre – growshop.co.nz
Super Neem Tree Oil 1 Litre

Super Neem Tree Oil 1 Litre

  • $89.00

Super Neem Tree Oil is a highly concentrated natural insecticide and fungicide, designed to protect your plants from a variety of pests and diseases

  • Super Neem Oil is a Natural control, it is not a poison and it has very low toxicity, its main action is to stop insect pests feeding so they die of starvation
  • High Concentration: Over twice the strength of regular neem oils, making it highly effective. Neem oil Azadirachtin content 3400ppm average, most Neem Oil is around 1600ppm some as low as 900ppm
  • Usage: Mix 5ml of neem oil with 1 litre of water for standard use. For severe infestations, use 10ml per litre of water. You can add a few drops of mild liquid soap to help the oil mix with water
  • Application: Spray thoroughly to cover all target plants, ensuring you cover all parts of the plant, including the undersides of leaves where pests often hide. Do not exceed the recommended concentration. Apply in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid direct sunlight, which can cause the oil to evaporate quickly
  • Frequency: For prevention, apply every 7-14 days. For active infestations, apply every 5-7 days until the problem is under control
  • Beneficial Insects: Neem oil is safe for beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs, but avoid spraying directly on them
  • Fungicide, Neem oil also has fungicidal properties, so it can help prevent fungal diseases like powdery mildew.
  • Effective control of Porina on lawns, cut lawn and spray grass at 5ml per litre of water just before sunset
  • Effective control of Thrips on Rhododendrons, wrap strips of flannel 25mm wide around trunk soaked in this oil at full strength. Pin on and cover with plastic wrap, leave for one month only
  • Pets and Children can safely walk on treated areas after spraying once the spray has dried
  • Store in a dark place and warm the container in hot water if the oil solidifies in cold weather

Due to the fatty content of Neem Oil the product will solidify in cold weather, you can place the concentrate bottle into a jug of hot water before using. Then shake well and mix with luke warm water. Never spray in sunlight or during high humidity, use at end of the day just before sunset to prevent possible burning of foliage.

DO NOT mix with copper, alkaline sprays or sulphur sprays. Can be used with Pyrethrum, MBL, Mycorrcin and most other sprays.

If you have spray leftover you can spray onto soil - root zone of treated plants.

Wash spray equipment after use with warm water, remember to spray clean water through sprayer to avoid future blockages