Adjust-A-Wings Large White Defender - Grow light reflector c/w Lamp holder 4 Metre Lead and Plug
Adjust-A-Wings Large White Defender c/w Lamp holder 4 Metre Lead and Plug
The Defender Reflector is an industrial strength model. The surface of the reflector is a ‘titanium white’ heat resistant powder coat that produces a very diffuse and even spread light foot print.
It maintains a reflective quality of 92%. The base metal is H18 aluminium alloy (3% magnesium) which is strong, yet springy, giving the reflector consistently perfect parabolic curves with even the roughest of handling – perfect for the grower with an ever changing grow room environment.
The Large Defender is Perfect for a 1000w lamp. You can also use TWO 400w or TWO 600w lamps by simply purchasing an extra lamp holder. The perfect shape Patented Double parabolic lighting reflector giving you twice the power and efficiency of most other reflectors. The Defender is a very Sturdy reflector with the perfect shape and Corrosion resistant 92% reflective surface