Fungus Fighter - Fungicide Concentrate 200ml Yates
A broad-spectrum fungicide with systemic, curative and protective action against a wide range of fungal diseases. Controls powdery mildew, blackspot and rust on apples, grapes, ornamentals and lawns
- Systemic action works from within the plant
- Easy to use measure bottle
- Makes up to 100 litres of spray Contents will make between 20-100 litres of spray
- 12g/litre myclobutanil in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate
- Blackspot, powdery mildew
- 5mL per litre of water, Apply at 7-10 day intervals from bud break to early fruit set
- Powdery Mildew
- 2mL per litre of water (or 10mL per 5 litres), Apply at 14-21 day intervals from flowering
- Leaf spots, rust, powdery mildew
- 10mL per litre of water, Apply at 7-10 day intervals. Ensure good coverage
- Dollar spot, rust
- 60mL per 10 litres of water. Apply onto 10 square metres, Apply with watering can at 14-21 day intervals
It is an offence to use this product on animals
To minimise the risk of resistant fungal strains, apply a maximum of 4 applications per crop per growing season. Use at times of high disease risk.
Allow 35 days between spraying and harvest of apples. Allow 28 days for grapes