v 250mm Mixed Flow Fan c/w 2 Speed inline switch – growshop.co.nz

250mm Mixed Flow Fan c/w 2 Speed inline switch

  • $329.00

250mm Mixed Flow Fan c/w 2 Speed inline switch

- 2 Speed switch full speed or 50% or 1/2 speed on the pre-wired 230V lead & Plug

Free air performance:

- Full speed 1405 Cubic Metres Per Hour - 390 Litres Per Second

- Low speed 1064 Cubic Metres Per Hour - 296 Litres Per Second

- Fan blades designed using the latest fluid dynamics for optimal airflow and pressure

- Eco friendly ABS Durable Housing 

- Rated at 66 dBA at 3 Metres from Fan at High speed and 58 dBA at Low speed

- 225w Thermally protected 2450 rpm AC motor with automatic reset at High Speed and 165w 1850 rpm at Low speed

- Japanese NMB Ball Bearing Motor rated at 50,000 hour continuous operation

- Operating temperature range: -20℃ to 60℃  

- Static pressure 488 Pa at High speed and 371 Pa at Low speed

- Includes mounting bracket 

Mixed flow fans allow air to flow in axial and radial direction in relation to the shaft. These powerful inline mixed flow fans have been designed to produce higher working pressures for applications that require higher airflows These fans are widely used in many applications, It is common to find them on duct systems, which are characterized by high pressure, good air flow with low relative noise levels. These fans are mountable at the beginning, the middle and the end of the duct system. Installation of this type of fan is simple, and so is the removal.