Christchurch, 64 Carmen Rd Hornby, (03) 349 7500 - Henderson, 253 Lincoln road, Henderson, (09) 837 7500
Root Pot 3.8 Litre - 1 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 2 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 7.6 Litre - 2 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 2 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 11.4 Litre - 3 Gallon- c/w Side, Base and 3 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 19 Litre - 5 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 3 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 26 Litre - 7 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 3 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 48 Litre - 12.7 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 4 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 52 Litre - 14 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 4 Screw in Clips
Root Pot 76 Litre - 20 Gallon - c/w Side, Base and 4 Screw in Clips
Grid Base 203mm suits 3.8 - 7.6 Litre or 1 - 2 Gallon Root Pot
Grid Base 305mm suits 11.4 - 19 - 26 Litre or 3 - 5 - 7 Gallon Root Pot
Grid Base 400mm suits 48 - 52 Litre or 12 - 14 Gallon Root Pot
Wick White 50mm x 80mm
Wick Pot 50mm - Black Net Pot Pack of 40
Wick Pot 70mm - Black Net Pot Pack of 25
Wick Green 90mm x 80mm
Wick Black Large 145mm x 100mm
Wick Black Extra Large 200mm x 135mm
Bucket Company Sock - Inserts 3 Gallon pack of 6
Bucket Company Sock - Inserts 10 Gallon pack of 4